Marula trees are native to Southern Africa . They can produce up to 500 kilograms of fruit per year, which drop to the ground and ripen during the months of January and February. Inside the Marula fruit is a nut where oil is cold-pressed out of the kernels inside. This harvesting of oil provides sustainable jobs for rural African women and does no harm to the actual tree as the fruits naturally fall to the ground (or get eaten by elephants!).
Benefits of Marula Oil:
- Natural Stability (shelf live of at least 2 years with no additives)
- Quickly absorbed by the skin to moisturize
- Anti-aging properties
- Light, non-greasy and virtually odourless
- High levels of antioxidants
- Reduces skin redness
- Promotes healing from burns and reduces scarring
In the past, rural African women have used Marula oil to bathe instead of water. They’ve also applied it during pregnancy to avoid stretch marks.
Basically in a nut shell (pun intended!) Marula Oil moisturizes, heals, prevents scarring and penetrates and preserves the skin.
**ALLERGY NOTE** Marula Oil originates from a tree nut, so keep this in mind when shopping for yourself or others.
Stay tuned for my new soaps containing Marula Oil!
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